Rev. Justin Lee Marple, a teaching elder in the Presbyterian Church (USA) since 2005, is a graduate of Gettysburg College (Gettysburg, PA) with a Bachelor of Arts summa cum laude with honors in History and honors in Political Science and Westminster Theological Seminary (Philadelphia, PA) with a Masters of Divinity. He is working on a Doctor of Ministry through Knox Theological Seminary (Fort Lauderdale, FL).
On RevMarple.com you will find blog commentaries on all the books of the Hebrew Scriptures and also the New Testament book of Revelation, papers written for D.Min. classes, book reviews and recommendations, sermons preached (audio and/or full text), and more.
His approach to Scripture is what scholars call literary-canonical. To appreciate what this perspective brings to academic studies of the Hebrew Scriptures and New Testament, he suggests starting with “Old and New Testament Torah, Prophets & Writings” and “The Way of Wisdom: The Canon and Cessation.”
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