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Flavel’s Exposition Quote Q&A 101

Of Sanctifying God’s Name What else doth this Name I am import?   It imports both the Perfection and Eternity of God’s Being, I am implies he hath not that now which he had not formerly; and that he shall not afterwards [sic] have what he hath not now: And...

Flavel’s Exposition Quote Q&A 99

Of Direction in Prayer (the Lord’s Prayer and Scripture generally) That those who neglect all Prayer, and those that satisfy themselves with a Form of Prayer, which they utter without Knowledge or Affection, do greatly sin against God.  And that it is the Duty...

Flavel’s Exposition Quote Q&A 98

Of Prayer That the true Reason why we enjoy not the Mercies we pray for, is not because God is unwilling to grant Mercies, but because we either neglect Prayer, or miscarry in the Manner of Prayer, James 4:2-3 Ye lust, and have not? ye kill and desire to have, and...