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The Holy Spirit is indeed a Spirit of order and not only did God bring order out of those beginnings in Genesis 1 but much of the work of ministry that we all share requires that He make order out of the beginnings in our lives.  Thus this week in many respects has been a week of getting organized and oriented.  

We all know that the better organized we are the more work it will save down the road.  I think the reason so many people put getting organized off indefinitely is that it takes a lot of time up front.  But as someone once said, we often allow the tyranny of the urgent rather than dealing with those things that are important but are not urgent. Thus (to organize these thoughts) it has been described that everything fits under one of four categories: urgent and important, urgent but not very important, not urgent but important, and not urgent and not important.  The tendency is to let the urgent but not very important things crowd out the not urgent but important work that needs to be done.

I have tried to focus on the urgent and important and the not urgent but important things this week.  For example, on the personal front, it is not terribly urgent for us to move into our own home since we have such a nice place to stay until then but it is important for us to do that.  So we are moving forward with the purchase of our own home.  And, for some more examples, this week has included a funeral for a precious infant (urgent and important) as well as getting organized (not urgent, but important).  Thankfully it was a week where the urgent but unimportant did not reign but instead the Spirit of order brought the rule of God.

We, the Niagara Presbyterian Church, celebrated seventy-three years of calling the nations to stream to Jesus Christ as they do to the Falls, with dinner and entertainment last night.  May we always remember that calling the nations with the good news of Christ Jesus is urgent and important.