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Q&A 20 Of the Salvation of God’s Elect and of the Covenant of Grace

Did God chose some because he foresaw they would be better than others?  A. No: God’s Choice was not on foreseen Works ; but meerly [sic] of his Grace, and good Pleasure of his Will, Eph 1:5-6 Having predestinated us unto the Adoption of Children by Jesus Christ unto himself, according to the good Pleasure of his Will, to the Praise of the Glory of his Grace.

Of the Covenant of Grace

May a Sinner that hath no Worthiness at all of his own, be taken into the Covenant of Grace?  A. Yes, he may, Isa 43:25 I, even I, am he, that blotteth out thy Transgressions for mine own sake, and will not remember thy Sins.  This Covenant is not of Works but of Grace, Rom 11:5-6 And if by Grace, then it is no more of Works, otherwise Grace is no more Grace ; but if it be of Works then it is no more Grace, otherwise Work is no more Work.