Q&A 4 God is a Spirit
What else may be learned from [the Spiritual Nature of God]? A. That our Souls are the most noble and excellent Part of us, which most resembles God, and therefore our chief Regard and Care should be for them, whatever becomes of the vile Body, Matt 16:26 For what is a Man profited if he gain the whole World, and lose his own Soul? Or what shall a Man give in Exchange for his Soul?
Q&A 4 Of God’s Infinity
If God be thus infinite, and no Understanding can comprehend him, how then is it said in 1 John 3:2 We shall see him as he is ? A. The Meaning is not, that glorified Saints shall comprehend God in their Understandings; but that they shall have a true apprehensive Knowledge, though not a comprehensive Knowledge of God: And that we shall see him immediately, and not as we do now thorough [sic] a Glass darkly.
Q&A 4 Of God’s Eternity
That tho’ Angels, and the Souls of Men shall have no End; yet they had a Beginning, which God had not; Secondly, Our Eternity is by Gift from God, or by his Appointment; but his Eternity is necessary, and from his own Nature.
The Gospel is called the everlasting Gospel, Rev 14:6 because the Effects thereof upon the Souls it sanctifies, will abide in them for ever.
Q&A 4 Of God’s Unchangeableness
The Happiness of God’s People is firm, and sure, being built upon the Word of an unchangeable God, Mal 3:6 For I am the Lord, I change not; therefore ye Sons of Jacob are not consumed,Heb 6:18
Q&A 4 Of God’s Wisdom
What is the last Instruction from God’s Wisdom? A. That the Study of Christ, and of the Scriptures, is to be preferred to all other Studies in the World, Col 2:3 In whom are hid all the Treasures of Wisdom, and Knowledge. And the Scriptures contain all that Wisdom which is for our Salvation, 1 Cor 2:7 But we speak the Wisdom of God in a Mystery, even the hidden Wisdom which God ordained before the World, unto our Glory.
Q&A 4 Of God’s Power
Are there not some Things which God cannot do? A. Yes, there are, but they are such Things as are inconsistent with his Truth and Holiness, Titus 1:2–which God that cannot lie, 2 Tim 2:13He cannot deny himself.
Q&A 4 Of God’s Holiness
The Holiness of God is twofold; Communicable or incommunicable; of his communicable Holiness the Apostle speaks, Heb 12:10 But he for our Profit, that we might be Partakers of his Holiness. Of his incommunicable Holiness that Scripture speaks, 1 Sam 2:2 There is none holy as the Lord.
The Gospel is of inestimable Value, as it is the Instrument of conveying the Holiness of God to us
Q&A 4 Of God’s Justice
The greatest Evidence that ever was given of the Justice of God, was in his exacting full Satisfaction for our Sins upon Christ.
Q&A 4 Of God’s Goodness
What is the Goodness of God? A. It is an essential Property of his Nature, whereby he is absolutely and perfectly good in himself, and the Fountain of all communicated Goodness to the Creature, Psalm 119:68 Thou art good, and dost good, teach me thy Statutes.
What is the Second Property of the divine Goodness? A. That it is supreme, and perfect in itself, so as the Goodness of no Creature is, or can be, Luke 18:19 None is good save one, and that is God: And consequently above all additions from the Creature, Psalm 16:2 O my Soul, thou hast said unto the Lord–my Goodness extendeth not unto thee.
Q&A 4 Of God’s Truth
He is universally true in all his Words and Works. 1. In all his Words, John 17:17 Thy Word is Truth 2. In all his Works, Psalm 25:10 All the Paths of the Lord are Mercy and Truth, unto such as keep his Covenant.
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