Q&A 9 Of the Creation:
What is the Third Instruction from the Creation ? A. That God only is the proper Object of Worship, Jer 10:11 Thus shall he say to them, The Gods that have not made the Heavens and the Earth, even they shall perish from the Earth, and from under these Heavens.
Q&A 10 Of Man’s Creation:
What is meant by the Image of God? A. Not a Resemblance of God in any bodily Shape or Figure, but in Holiness, Eph 4:24 And that ye put on that new Man, which after God is created in Righteousness and true Holiness.
What is the Fourth Instruction from hence? A. That the Despisers of Holiness are the Despisers of God; for Holiness is God’s Image.
I hope to write a review when the quotes are complete.
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