by Justin Marple | May 16, 2010 | John Flavel, Quotes, REVIEWS
Q&A 53 etc. Of the Third Commandment How doth this Commandment differ from the first and the second? A. The first hath respect to the Object of Worship, forbidding us to worship any other but God. The second respects the Means of Worship, forbidding us to...
by Justin Marple | May 9, 2010 | John Flavel, Quotes, REVIEWS
Q&A 43-44 Of the Preface to the Commandments How can Deliverance out of Egypt, be an Argument to them that never were in Egypt? A. As that Deliverance was a Type of our Deliverance, so it is an Argument to us, and an Argument from the less to the greater; so it...
by Justin Marple | May 2, 2010 | John Flavel, Quotes, REVIEWS
Q&A 40/41 Of the Moral Law God never designed the Law to be the Way of Man’s Justification since the Fall, Gal 3:21-22 Is the Law then against the Promises of God? God forbid! for if there had been a Law given which could have given Life, verily...
by Justin Marple | Dec 31, 2009 | Reformed Reading Report, REVIEWS
Sailhamer, John H. The Meaning of the Pentateuch: Revelation, Composition and Interpretation. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2009. Brief Overview of the Book (Theme, Perspective, Approach): This 612 page (plus indexes) magnum opus has several concerns. One is...
by Justin Marple | Dec 2, 2009 | John Flavel, Quotes, REVIEWS
Q&A 39 Of Man’s Duty to God The Will of God revealed in the Scriptures is our only Rule of Obedience, Isa 8:20 To the Law, and to the Testimony; if they speak not according to this Word, it is because there is no Light in them. [This next question and answer...
by Justin Marple | Nov 22, 2009 | John Flavel, Quotes, REVIEWS
Q&A 38 Of Christ’s acknowledging Believers Let none be afraid or ashamed to confess the Person, Office, or any Truth of Christ, for any Loss or Danger, that may threaten them, Luke 12:8-9 Also I say unto you, Whosoever shall confess me before Men, him shall...
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