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General Assembly Interpretation

One person who went to GA described trying to tell people back in his home church about what happened as being like a Civil War vet trying to explain the Battle of Gettysburg back home. He then said, “I’ve seen the elephant and they haven’t even been to...

“Ask the Pastor” 21 July 2010

I was on the “Ask the Pastor” program on TCT network nationwide.  You can watch at: [this video is no longer available at the link, I am scheduled to appear once a month locally on Wednesdays at 2pm]


One of the things I did during my recent vacation was to plant a garden. What a blessing to be able to do so! I have not had a chance to do gardening since I was living with my parents. In the beginning, “the Lord God planted a garden in Eden, in the east, and there...


It is no accident that two of the heroes of the Old Testament, Moses and David, were first shepherds so that they would be prepared to shepherd the people of God. They were under-shepherds. That is, they did not own the sheep but they were accountable to the Chief...

Thanks for Your Prayers and Sympathy

Much thanks for all of your expressions of sympathy and your prayers both leading up to and after the passing of my grandmother Alma Elizabeth (Heffner) Luck on Wednesday morning.  I really appreciate it.  I will be preaching at her funeral in Florida tomorrow...