by Justin Marple | Apr 7, 2010 | COMMUNITY
So much going on to the glory of God that I have not even stopped to make a post recently. Much thanks to all of you for your hard work and generosity.The Maundy Thursday worship service was powerful. Good Friday Men’s Breakfast was excellent — somewhere...
by Justin Marple | Mar 22, 2010 | COMMUNITY
We had fun dressing our own naked cupcakes at the potluck last night! They tasted great!This week has been an especially uplifting one for me, despite fighting a cold, because I am seeing us encouraging one another and because you remind me to be sure to take care of...
by Justin Marple | Mar 15, 2010 | COMMUNITY
I was thrilled to hear this week that people are discussing the sermon titles on the sign out front at work and are looking forward to seeing what the next one on the sign will be. Next step is to get them in to hear the sermons.
by Justin Marple | Feb 8, 2010 | COMMUNITY
Some lament the passing of the time when a community would come together to do a barn raising or to build each other’s homes. Television programs have even developed to do this and put it on display to inspire communities to keep it going. Thanks be to God...
by Justin Marple | Jan 25, 2010 | COMMUNITY
The next couple days I will be away for a clergy retreat, unless Arwen comes early. I had just told the elders and deacons at their training that their training was a mini-retreat. It was mentioned that in the past there had been times when different groups would do...
by Justin Marple | Jan 18, 2010 | COMMUNITY
Grace and Peace from Our Lord Jesus Christ!When I pray for you, I do not cease to give thanks to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ for you. It is He who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in light, delivered you from the domain of...
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