by Justin Marple | Sep 2, 2009 | Deuteronomy Commentary, OT Torah Commentary, TEACHING
Generally in a literary-canonical approach we do not dive into questions of multiple authors but simply study the text as we have it. Usually such lines of inquiry have been laden with faulty presuppositions and with agendas to undermine the word of God as we have it...
by Justin Marple | Aug 30, 2009 | Deuteronomy Commentary, OT Torah Commentary, TEACHING
I have noted before that the Torah as a whole follows a pattern of narrative, poetry, epilogue. Genesis follows this pattern. Exo-Num follows this pattern. And Deuteronomy follows this pattern. Before each of the key poems the Hebrew text uses the word...
by Justin Marple | Aug 27, 2009 | Deuteronomy Commentary, OT Torah Commentary, TEACHING
As earlier posts make clear, the canonical order of the books of Scripture makes a difference in how we read them. Thus I want to explore the effect of Deuteronomy’s position in the Torah as the last book without repeating observations made in previous posts...
by Justin Marple | Aug 12, 2009 | Numbers Commentary, OT Torah Commentary, TEACHING
The epilogue to Exodus-Numbers began with Num 24:25. This long epilogue is fitting for such a long narrative. And it tells for us the story of the second generation in the wilderness. We seen the holy jealousy of Phinehas, son of Eleazar the priest, for the true...
by Justin Marple | Aug 7, 2009 | Numbers Commentary, OT Torah Commentary, TEACHING
Before moving on to this section, it is worth noting that the incident with striking the rock that is Christ resembles something that took place back in Exodus 17:6 where YHWH said, “Behold, I will stand before you there on the rock at Horeb, and you shall...
by Justin Marple | Jul 30, 2009 | Numbers Commentary, OT Torah Commentary, TEACHING
I have not discovered an easy way to divide up the book. The narrative of Numbers, like Exodus, does not appear to be structured in any patterns. Exodus was organized thematically around salvation, law, and worship. And some try to divide the text of Numbers by...
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