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We are in an election year where many are determined to remind Washington that politicians in our system of government are accountable to the people.  Teaching the Book of Revelation has led me to see that instead our nation’s leaders should recognize that they are accountable to the Lord Jesus Christ. And one day they will answer to Him.

We need to pray for our nation’s leaders. Whether you like them or not, we are to pray for those in such positions. This is one of our responsibilities as disciples of Jesus Christ.

We need to seek salvation from Christ and not our nation’s leaders. On domestic issues, conservatives have a tendency to stress self-salvation – pull yourself up – and liberals have a tendency to stress salvation through government programs and regulations. But Scripture shows us that salvation belongs to the Lord Christ. So I would encourage you to rely instead on Jesus. Ask God for your daily bread.

You know the Parable of the Talents. “Now after a long time the master of those servants came and settled accounts with them” (Matt 25:19). This is no time to be slothful (such a fun word for lazy). One day you too will settle accounts with the Lord Christ. To be sure, as Jesus said, “When you have done all that you were commanded, say, ‘We are unworthy servants; we have only done what was our duty’” (Luke 17:10). And He will call you a “good and faithful servant.”

And so let us do our duty to God out of thanksgiving that we unworthy servants will be called good and faithful because Jesus was the faithful Son. Let us give of our tithes with rejoicing. As a people bought with the blood of the lamb, we will have to settle accounts for those talents (literally a unit of money) entrusted to us. Let us share of our gifts with rejoicing. Our exalted Savior has given us gifts to share, we are accountable to Him for the use of such talents (now meaning our gifts like musical ability, leadership, etc.). And let us hold one another accountable for our manner of life, our struggles with sin, the stewardship of our time, our attendance at church on Sunday and to the word during the week, and etc.

And then we should also hold our government’s leaders accountable at the ballot box next month. Not accountable to our personal preferences or to how comfortable (or not so) they have made our lives, but accountable for things like the wise stewardship of our taxes, whether they are promoting and preserving life, the stewardship of our environment, and the politicians stand on the definition of marriage. These are just a few of the issues. How you prioritize all of the issues will make a difference in the people you vote for and you will not all agree. All I am asking is that you use Scripture and God-given wisdom as you consider these things.  And above all pray, because no matter what politicians get elected, only Jesus saves.