Teach us how to respect those whom you have put in authority over us, especially those individuals in executive offices like the President of the United States and the Governor of New York. We pray for all those who hold such offices, as well as for the legislatures and the courts, and ask for your mercy on them. And knowing that many of the policies of this state and nation do not reflect your character and your desire for our good, we pray not only that we might be instruments in your hands to change such things but also we especially pray that you would make this church a place of refuge for the shattered lives left in their wake. We pray that those who know great shame and guilt because of a choice to end a life they were designed to protect would find the church a place where they are welcomed, forgiven, and comforted. In a culture that favors redefining marriage contrary to your holy word, we pray for those who feel same sex attraction that they would find the church a welcoming community where they can experience your grace and find help. And for the good of all, we pray that you would fill us with your Spirit and speak through us words of grace and let us see transformed and transforming lives. And we pray that those who are in authority over us would be compelled to praise your church for doing good.
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