This week I went to the Chicago area for the Presbyterians Pro-Life (PPL) annual meeting of the Board of Directors. This is a wonderful group. The meetings and other opportunities for fellowship and devotion with members of the board and the host church were an uplifting, encouraging, and energizing experience for me in my walk with Christ. Together we are doing acts of mercy for women, men, and children (including those in the womb) and standing for Scripture’s teachings on life.
And you have a part in that work and witness. In the terms of call that you as a congregation approved, you donated the time of your pastor and you provided financial assistance for me to go. And I wanted to take this opportunity to give thanks to God for your support. As you may not be aware, our denomination’s health insurance covers all induced abortions (provided they are ‘legal’ according to state and federal law). I hope that you will join us in prayer that this will end soon and that there will be a great Reformation of our whole denomination according to Scripture.
As with all things, you can do more than this. A few ideas: you can help our team at General Assembly, you can give direct financial support to the mission of PPL (info on their website), and if you are on Facebook you can even join the PPL group to show your support. Stay tuned, for other ways you can help. And, as always, I am available for prayer and counseling and as a resource for you to have the tools to help one another and for you to reach out to others in need. Again, thanks be to God for you.
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