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Isaiah 14:28-19:25 consists of four oracles concerning you who believe from among the nations. It is about the gospel going to the nations — to the ends of the earth. The nations mentioned are representative. The people of Philistia are told they should find refuge in Zion. Moab is told to pay tribute with a lamb to the Messiah King at Mount Zion. The third oracle about Damascus ends by noting that some of the Ethiopians (opposite direction on the map with Israel in the middle) will send tribute to the Lord of Hosts at Mount Zion. And the fourth oracle about Egypt ends by discussing Assyria too (also in the opposite direction on the map with Israel in the middle) saying that these nations will have many who will swear allegiance to the Lord of Hosts and become part of His people. These nations in opposite directions with Israel in the middle represent the Gentiles (the nations). The oracle about Egypt might sound like our current events but it is about the gospel going to the nations and what happens. We are on the heavenly Mount Zion today and we are paying Him tribute (not to purchase salvation but in thanksgiving for it). When we go down from the mountain into the world may we take the good news with us.

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