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Isaiah 60 begins with the powerful words, “Arise” and “shine.”  This was something that the previous chapter had shown the people were not able to do in and of themselves.  But now God commands them to arise much like Jesus told the little girl who died to arise.  What changed?  The great light who is Jesus Christ had shined on the people living in a land of deep darkness and now they are to reflect Him much like the moon reflects the light of the sun.  The fulfillment of the passage has only begun in part, and by comparison, we have not seen anything yet.  But there are several lessons that are obvious from the text.  First, that we are to give generously as that is a part of the wealth of the nations streaming to the city of God.  Second, that we are to reflect the righteousness of Christ to the world.  And third, that we are to be encouraged by the end of the story because suffering will be followed by glory.

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