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1 Cor 10:23-11:1 concludes the central essay of the letter on our relationship with the culture so that we may see others saved.  We will discover what it would mean for you to seek the advantage of others so that they may be saved.  Looking at the beginning and end of the passage we will find that it would mean doing whatever builds up others and does not unnecessarily offend others so that they may be saved.  And we will explain who the people are that we have primarily in mind when we say “others.”  Then moving on toward the center of the passage we will see how what we eat today can either build up others so that they may be saved or tear them down and drive them further from Jesus.  And ending with the center of the passage where Paul looks at a special situation we will look at special situations that we might face.  Thus you will know what it would mean for you to seek the advantage of others so that they may be saved.

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