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Exodus 12:1-28 is part of the story of the tenth plague — the death of the firstborn.  That night was not just some historical curiosity for later generations of Israel.  Every generation spoke and acted as if they had been there for the first Passover.  They did so because they were there — sure maybe they were born only several hundred years later, but their very own household (they and their children) had been redeemed from slavery in Egypt.  We speak and act likewise for the crucifixion of Jesus because by your faith you and your little children were in Christ on that cross.  And we observe together a new and improved Lord’s Passover, which we call the Lord’s Supper.  Indeed, Exodus 12 looks forward to the future because as each new generation experienced the Passover they would learn from that experience and be transformed by it.  How much more then is that true for us in Christ with the Supper?

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