I remember from when I was growing up leaving the car door unlocked when we went to church, but few people would consider doing this today. We keep our van locked even when it is in our locked garage because otherwise it is too easy to accidentally open a door with the remote keys in your pocket and let the battery run down. Nevertheless, the main reason for locking a vehicle, like the door of our homes, is to keep out intruders. The disciples on that first Easter evening were in a locked room, John tells us in John 20:19-31, because they were afraid of the Jewish authorities. On this Third Sunday of Easter this year, according to the liturgical calendar, but trying to ignore Star Wars day, we hear Jesus come and stand among them and say, ”Peace be with you” to those who are afraid. And thus we say, “The peace of Christ be with you” (and reply, “and also with you”).
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