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We are not nearly as shocked as we should be by the story of the Samaritan woman by the well.  The twelve disciples were certainly surprised.  So I want you to hear this story afresh and the best way to do that is to point out a couple details from the context you may never have tied together before.  The Gospel of John begins, “In the beginning.”  This is the same opening clause of Genesis.  Then in John 3, John the Baptist calls Jesus the bridegroom.  If there is a bridegroom, then we are supposed to be looking for a bride.  To tie these together: we are supposed to be looking for a bride while thinking about Genesis.  Last Sunday’s sermon was about Abraham’s servant looking for a bride for Isaac at a well in a foreign country.  Jacob also found his bride Rachel at a well in a foreign country.  So we we are thinking Genesis and looking for the bride of Jesus Christ we would expect Him to find her at a well in a foreign country.  And given the remarkable beauty and purity of Rebekah and Rachel we might expect that Jesus Christ will find an absolutely spectacular bride chosen by His Father.  And then we read John 4:1-29.
