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Was Moses a murderer?  We all know that even the most faithful of our great heroes of faith in the Old Testament were far from perfect.  Indeed, we know that many of them did some really awful things.  Scripture tells us about those sins.  It is common to think first of King David and how he was guilty of murder and adultery and all the rest of the Ten Commandments regarding Bathsheba.  Sometimes people will add to this list Moses and say that he committed murder in our passage for today: Exodus 2:11-25.  I can recall hearing that Moses was a murderer more than once as a small child.  This was said despite the fact that nowhere in Scripture is Moses chided for killing the Egyptian.  That is a striking omission.  After all, among the Ten Commandments that Moses received from God was “Do not murder.”  You would expect that Scripture would say something about it if Moses had committed murder.  So was he a murderer or is there some better explanation of what is happening in this passage?  Listen and find out.

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