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The Joshua 24:29-33 burial notices for Joshua, Joseph’s bones, and Eleazar, mark the fulfillment of the reign of Ephraim and means the transition can begin to the reign of Judah.  The prophet greater than Moses, Jesus Christ, of the tribe of Judah, was buried and is resurrected and has poured out His Spirit on His people as a down-payment on the inheritance of the whole earth.  We saw the difference it makes if our final destination is heaven or the new creation for how we live today.  We saw that our innermost being is already a part of the new creation and can bear visible “new creation” fruit.  And we saw that everything we do to serve the Lord Christ (at home, school, work, in our hobbies, etc.) can demonstrate that the resurrection of Jesus Christ is making all things new.  May all of the glory go to God.

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