by Justin Marple | Sep 5, 2010 | Recommendations, REVIEWS
Kline, Meredith G. God, Heaven, and Har Magedon: A Covenantal Tale of Cosmos and Telos. Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock Pub., 2006. A fascinating tale, much better than the fictional alternatives out there, that is a biblical-theological work tracing the theme of the...
by Justin Marple | Aug 29, 2010 | Recommendations, REVIEWS
Bavinck, Herman. Reformed Dogmatics, trans. John Vriend, ed. John Bolt. Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2003-2008. It has been called the greatest theological dogmatics of the 20th Century. Finally translated into English, Bavinck’s Dogmatics lives up to the...
by Justin Marple | Aug 24, 2010 | Recommendations, REVIEWS
Turretin, Francis. Institutes of Elenctic Theology, trans. George M. Giger, ed. James T. Dennison, Jr. Phillipsburg, NJ: P&R Publishing, 1992. Do you have questions? Turretin has answers. Seventeeth Century Protestant Scholasticism has received much criticism...
by Justin Marple | Aug 23, 2010 | Recommendations, REVIEWS
Calvin, John. Institutes of the Christian Religion, trans. Ford Lewis Battles, ed. John T. McNeill. Louisville: Westminster John Knox Press. Written to complement his commentaries on Biblical books, and thereby keep them short and focused on the text immediately...
by Justin Marple | Aug 17, 2010 | Reformed Reading Report, REVIEWS
Peterson, Eugene H. The Invitation: A Simple Guide to the Bible. Colorado Springs: NavPress, 2008. I was a member of (and ordained as a minister of Word and Sacrament at) Christ Our King Presbyterian Church, founded by Eugene Peterson where he ministered for 29...
by Justin Marple | Aug 1, 2010 | Recommendations, REVIEWS
Our deacons do great good works. So they do the stuff of this book naturally. Even so, I would wholeheartedly recommend Tim Keller’s Ministries of Mercy: The Call of the Jericho Road, 2d. Ed. to anyone, but especially to those called to serve as deacons in the...
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